Cloudlabel integrated with ERP in our business

Cloud label - Case study at Grafokett warehouse

Grafokett has not only developed a label management software for our clients. We use it ourselves and this is a case study about how we use our own technology to comply with our customer demands, save time and achieve a record with zero labeling errors.

With more than 30 years of experience in the product labeling industry, Grafokett is well positioned to develop the next-generation label management software based in the cloud.

To show our customers what is possible with the system we decided to implement Cloud label for ourselves and in our own processes. The man in charge of this project is Mikael Brixhall Chief Procurement Officer & Quality that was interviewed for this case study.

Complex labeling requirements and 3PL warehouses

We started using what would later become Cloud label in 2015. The main use case was to improve our order flow, comply with increasing and complex labeling requirements from our growing customer base, and ensure high quality.

Cloud label is all about going from a standalone label software to a fully automated system in the cloud. This is important as labeling instructions can be very complex and when working with some of the largest companies in the world, we needed a system to ensure the highest quality possible, says Mikael Brixhall.

One other important reason for implementing Cloud label is because we have been using third-party warehousing for the past 20 years. Before using Cloud label a lot of responsibility was put on the warehouse company. Mikael continues:

Without a system like Cloud label we would need to spend a lot of time on giving the warehouse clear instructions on the different labeling requirements. This would be very hard to do when working with a third-party warehouse. It is also important for us that we in theory could get a new warehouse up and running in a short period of time with the same quality.

Fully integrated in the company ERP system

The first version of Cloud label was implemented back in 2015 with our third-party warehouse in Stockholm and the process was done completely remotely. Even though our primary use case is optimization, compliance, and quality assurance in the order flow Cloud label is also used for parts of our procurement flow.

Cloud label is tightly integrated into our ERP system Pyramid. This ensures that we only need to input information once and can reuse it for product labeling without any new inputs. We can also connect procurement data, order data, and information from the customer, all in one place.

Screenshots from Grafokett both online when choosing a printer as well as the integration in Grafoketts ERP.

Zero product labeling errors since then

Cloud label has allowed us to go from a manual standalone software with a standardized design to a fully automated label management system seamlessly integrated into our ERP system and product flows.

This have had a big impact on our business and Mikael highlights three of the main benefits of using Cloud label:

  • Eliminate data inputs and steps

    With Cloud label the data is used and reused without any new inputs. This cuts out any unnecessary steps and nothing ever needs to be relabeled.

  • Save time for both us and our warehouse

    This has also allowed us to save a lot of time when a lot of steps are removed and others are automated.

  • Reduce errors and ensure high quality

    By eliminating new inputs and other actions product labeling errors can be reduced to virtually zero. This creates a lot of positive effects and good will.

The system can also be very positive for the environment when goods can be sent direct to consumer without the need to relabel and with fewer labeling errors returns can also be kept to a minimum.

Since we implemented Cloud label we have reduced common product labeling errors down to zero. Despite having clients all around the world with some of the highest quality demands and complex labeling requirement specifications, says Mikael.

If you want to hear more about how we use the system for our business, we are happy to take a meeting or jump on a video call. Take a minute read more about Cloud label and what a cloud-based label management software can do for your business.

Case study at Ink n Art

Read about how Ink n Art digitizes production with Cloudlabel, integrated with the order system to minimize manual steps and ensure a more sustainable solution.

By using Cloudlabel, Ink n Art has improved the working environment for the staff so that they can focus on the core business. Because they use barcode scanners, the entire order is printed in one action, with automatic feedback to the order system.

Everything is made possible with Cloudlabel.

ink n art digitaliserar med cloud label

Say hello to better label management